Earth Clinic

by Jagran, Jagran Josh, OnlyMyHealth


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Earth Clinic is the world's largest collection of natural cures. For over 15 years, Earth Clinic has been regarded as one of the top Alternative Health sites on the internet and is treasured by more than 1.5 million monthly visitors.At Earth Clinic, you'll discover thousands of natural cures for more than 350 health conditions. Earth Clinic readers have been testing and developing natural cures, with contributors from every part of the world, since 1999. We've been sent some of the most exciting home remedies to date. On Earth Clinic, you'll learn the best remedies to treat conditions like candida, acid reflux, bacterial vaginosis (BV) and more. You'll also discover dozens of restorative remedies, like a baking soda and lime tonic to alkalize and balance your pH.
On our App, you can quickly discover the top rated cures for any condition by typing in the condition you are interested in and clicking on the "User Reviews" tab. You can then read the interesting reviews submitted by our readers to learn the best dosage and frequency for any particular remedy.
For example, if you are interested in a remedy for arthritis, you would type in "arthritis" into the search box at the top to bring up our arthritis section. You can then read the overview section (introductory article) or immediately see what remedies have proven to be the most successful in treating arthritis (it's apple cider vinegar). You can also tap on the Editor's Choice tab, which will show you a handful of posts our editors at Earth Clinic have found the most helpful and promising in that section. We've done the work for you!
We hope you enjoy our app!